Donations of any amount are welcome. Your generosity is what enables us to deliver life transforming services to the poorest areas of our planet. You can donate by clicking o...
The Equine Trauma Healing Program was created to plan, develop, manage, and implement programs to provide Therapeutic Equine Experience to Children and Adults with disabilities, Pe...
GGI Equine Assisted after school program provides a great and affordable introduction to horseback riding for young riders ages 6 to 12. During a typical session each child will ha...
Sponsorship is a unique kind of empowerment program that connects a child in need with a compassionate donor who agrees to pay School Tuition Expenses and Living Expenses for a yea...
The GIFT medical fund exists to raise financial aid and assistance to children from low income families with specific unmet needs such as medical, dental, mental health, or any oth...
It's by focusing on creating prosperity that you can actually fix poverty. Guided by our Philosophy, “Give a Man a Fish and you will feed him for a day; tea...
We are bringing light to families who have been living without electricity for too long. Our Global Sports for Solar Campaign uses the World's Most Popular Sports to raise awaren...
Turning the planet green and rehabilitating a million hectares of land over the coming decades is a cornerstone of the GIFT Green Initiative. Educating children about Urban Agricul...
One of the country’s most innovative event and a much-needed part of any community, Family Resource Fair provides underserved children and youths with the tools essential for...
As its name implies, the program feeds children who would otherwise walk miles on empty stomachs to get to school. “There is nothing more disorienting and distracting th...
COVID-19 Together is our effort to bring communities together to be grateful for what our healthcare industry and first responders are doing to keep us all safe as well as suppor...
You may also donate in-kind products and services. GIFT accepts the following in-kind products: 1. School Supplies 2. Clothes 3. Diapers 4. Dental Kits (Tooth Brush, Past...
You may donate in-kind services. We depend on generous donations from private citizens and businesses to continue our mission delivery. We accept your generous in-kind servic...
Many companies have matching gift programs that will double or even triple charitable contributions made by their employees. Matching gifts increase the impact of gifts from the em...
There are endless ways to start a Fundraiser for GIFT. You can donate your Birthday Fundraiser on Facebook to GIFT or Create a Go Fund Me Campaign for GIFT. You can plan a fundrais...